
The interactive platform and the exhibition have emerged from a research project led by Flavia Caviezel at the Institute for Research in Art and Design at the Academy of Art and Design FHNW in Basel.
The research took place from December 2010 to September 2012 and was completed end of 2012 with an exhibition and an evaluation workshop. The research project is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF/DoRe) and the Office for the Environment and Energy of Canton Basel-Stadt and is carried out by an interdisciplinary team together with the project and research partners.

Team (research project & exhibition)
Flavia Caviezel (conception and management of the project/visual anthropology),
Mirjam Bürgin (scenography/outreach programme), Marion Mertens (environmental sciences/fish fauna), Yvonne Volkart (art theory/ecomedia), Anselm Caminada (sound essays/scoring), Theres Jörger (interface design/editing of materials), Oliver Koch (informatics/interface adaption, online version), Tweaklab: Fabian Hochreutener (camera/sound), Hildegard Spielhofer (editing/exhibition set up), Martina Jung (sound/camera/editing/color grading), Sven Boenicke (exhibition set up), Nica Giuliani (photo editing/English subtitles), Ketty Bertossi (photo documentation of the exhibition), Shirin Disler (exhibition assistent), Judith Dobler (design of invite and hand out), Samuel Hanselmann (web site/material demonstrator), Noemi Schäfer (accountancy), Trisul/Daniel Jud + Peter Wenger (constructions), Sabine Hagmann (English translation).

Project and research partners
Office for the Environment and Energy of Canton Basel-Stadt / Department of Public Works Canton Basel-Stadt / Life Science AG Basel / Trinational Centre for the Environment Weil am Rhein / University of Basel, Sustainability Research Programme of the Natural Sciences and the Humanities ( Department of Environmental Sciences and Department of Philosophy / Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Research/ Technical University of Darmstadt, Institute for Philosophy / Postfossil (Anna Blattert + Daniel Gafner) / Artist duo Christina Hemauer l Roman Keller

Thanks to
all people videoed: Thomas Bick, Jannie de Bruijn, Pierre de Bruijn, Reto Dolf, Roland Frank, Anette Graupe, Patricia Holm, Jost Hummel, Hans-Peter Jermann, Daniel Küry, Ingrid Langlois, Martin Lüchinger, Werner Maier, Anton Marty, Alfred Müller, Armin Peter, Yves Richard, Michel Rueger, Alexandra Sauer, Mirica Scarselli, Cornelis Schimmel, Alfredo Schmassmann, Astrid Schwarz, Thierry Pierre Siegendaler, Olivier Sommen, Serge Stephany, Ab Stout, Beat Vögtli, Anton Weibel, Michael Wilke, Iris Zäh, people working in the offices and studios at Ostquai

everybody testing the interactive computer platform: Anette Graupe, Samuel Hanselmann, Sabine Himmelsbach, Fabian Hochreutener, Daniel Küry, Ralf Michel, Mirica Scarselli, Noemi Schäfer, Astrid Schwarz, Andreas Simon, Catherine Sokoloff, Hildegard Spielhofer, Martin Wiedmer

everybody supporting filming as well as fundraising and searching a location for the exhibition, particularly Fluvia AG, amateur divers Ulrich Höller, Hajo Lehmann and Christian Schäfer, IBA Basel 2020/Martin Jann, Sandra Schafroth, Grisard/Adrian Grisard + Yvonne Sutter, Planungsamt BS/Katrin Amtmann + Thomas Waltert, Pascal Biedermann, Philippe Cabane, Rolf Furrer, Sabine Himmelsbach, Stephan Werthmüller

and everybody involved in the supporting programme: IWB/Hanspeter Keller + Bruno Koller, IG Rheinbogen/Alfredo Schmassmann, participants of the panel/Daniel Gafner, Jürg Hofer, Jörg Lange, P.M.

Research project and exhibition are supported by
the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF/DoRe), project and research partners, the Academy of Art and Design FHNW: Institute for Research in Art and Design / Art Institute / Communication and Marketing / ICT, Tweaklab, Grisard, Göhner Stiftung, Ökoenergie-Fonds der IWB, Jubiläumsstiftung der Baselländischen Kantonalbank.